
A Royal Decree on Anger

A Royal Decree on Anger

I posted this on Facebook earlier this afternoon. It felt like the best way that I could contribute as an American on the eve of Election Day: Anger is insidious. My mental health has only been able to improve this year because I turned down the volume on...

What Song Will You Sing Today?

What Song Will You Sing Today?

Yesterday I had a routine appointment with my hematologist. A follow-up appointment, if I'm really going to dial this in for you. You see, on July 4th I declared my independence from absurdly low amounts of clotting factor by beginning a once-a-week self infusion via...

Do Not or Donut? Not As Easy As You Think…

A Day With HIV

Diagnosed at age 11, I've lived many of my days with HIV... At 49 I am thankful for the advancements in HIV treatment that have allowed me to far outlive my prognosis. I wear my AIDS Memorial t-shirt to let the spirits know- and their loved ones- that they are not...

From Reactive to Proactive (new article for RareDisease.Net)

I’m a One Stick Wonder

My dream as a musician is to, someday, be a one-hit wonder. I'm on a bit of a hiatus on the local music scene right now because, well, all of that shit is too exhausting. The brand-enhancing and public-facing escapism required to cloak what is a very vulnerable craft...