In 1990, then 40-year old Rush Limbaugh aired a short-lived segment on his radio show called "The AIDS Update." He'd make wisecracks about the epidemic while songs like “Kiss Him Goodbye" and “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” played. He'd later claim...
Shawn’s Tool Academy
HIV “Cure” in Miracle Water
The word "cure" is getting thrown around a lot these days. There is a lot of promising research taking place and I am in hopeful place that in a decade's time (give or take) I'll be living a life free of HIV... or, at the very least, a life free of the daily routine...
Paris Hilton Has AIDS (Problem)
Can you tell which quote above was secretly recorded and which one was not? Mostly everyone has heard Paris Hilton's controversial comments by now. If you haven't, here's the scoop. She was riding in a cab with a gay friend (his orientation matters here)...
Shawn’s Tool Academy Welcomes: Larry Brown
North Carolina state representative Larry Brown, in discussing his support of opposite marriage, decided he'd chime in on HIV funding issues. He said: "I'm not opposed to helping a child born with HIV or something, but I don't condone spending taxpayers' money to...
Facebook Group STILL Offers Cure For HIV
Last month I wrote a blog entry about the "From HIV Positive to HIV Negative" Facebook group that is claiming to cure HIV with a juice called ""Ngcolosi Magic" (UMLINGO WAMANGCOLOSI). It must work if the name is in all caps, that's gotta be the thinking there....
Facebook Group Claims to Cure HIV
The Red Ribbon Army has called attention to a group on Facebook called "From HIV Positive to HIV Negative" in the hopes of having it removed from the social networking site. In order to help do so, click on the group's page, scroll down to the bottom left and click...
A Town Hall Meeting: The Ruckus in Ruckersville
While Senators and Congressmen are on break, they're taking the opportunity to hold town hall meetings to discuss the healthcare reform that is being proposed. The insurance industry is also taking advantage of the opportunity as well, mobilizing their forces...
Shawn’s Tool Academy: The Pope
Last month I debuted a new feature on my blog, Shawn's Tool Academy, in which I honor those I deem tools. Who could forget the first dishonoree, Mr. I-Want-Babies-To-Get-AIDS, Dave Schultheis (T)?There was mild concern that the term "tool" was too light for...
Shawn’s Tool Academy Welcomes…
I love VH1's reality show, Tool Academy, which began with a great swerve. A group of guys thought they were competing on a TV show to discover "America's Top Alpha Male- AKA- Mr. Awesome", but they'd really been nominated by their girlfriends for the Tool Academy....
Banned By Vote For The Worst. Their Response.
4-7-07 UPDATE: Today, Dave of Vote For The Worst responded to the outpouring of support on this blog . I have been unbanned from the Worst, but whether I can recover from the initial shock of being banned is another story for another blog entry. Dave and I...