My Writings

My Column in New Issue of Poz

I have a new column in the latest issue of Poz Magazine, you can read it here: "Week On, Week Off". It's about the ups and one big down of my last seven years on my Structured Treatment Interruption. Hope you enjoy reading it- I am especially proud of all of the...

Update on 2nd Book

I sent the file for my 2nd book to my agent today, and couldn't be more relieved to be done. For now. Of course, I've declared victory before. You may remember that back in June I wrote a blog entitled New Book "Finished". Thankfully, I had the intelligence to put the...

Not the Follow-Up to My Pet Virus

For a brief moment, I considered writing more funny AIDS stories for my second literary venture. With My Pet Virus' sales gasping at this point, I'm glad I opted to focus my creative energy elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, the book did well. The response has been...

Advice From Stewie

  There's the Miis of me and Gwenn. So far so good in 2009, I've worked out on the Wii Fit everyday this year, and my reward is that I've gained a pound. I like to think it's a pound of rock hard muscle that, for now, is invisible to the naked eye. Aside from the...


I said I wouldn't write about writing again. I lied. Currently, I am finishing my second book, which is a vampire story. I've touched on this a little, not giving too many details, as not to spoil the book or get anyone excited before I even have a greenlight on...

New Book “Finished”

A few weeks ago I finished my second book, which means that- if it's ever published- you'll get to read it sometime in the future. Pretty vague, huh? Finished, of course, is a relative term. If the publisher picks it up, it will go through editing, which is a process...

My Pet Virus… The Movie?

In 2005, I didn't have a book deal. Or an agent to find me one. The only thing I had were a few files on my computer called "My Pet Virus: The Book" and a dream. (And HIV.) Still, I was looking ahead of the book and dreaming of the story on the big screen: and on the...