I've been a bit quiet here in the blogosphere lately, mainly because I've been hard at work on new music and a screenplay for My Pet Virus. Last week I came out of my cave and spoke with the good folks at the Books and Booze podcast. You can hear the interview below!...
My Writings
Contest Is Over… Now What?
So the next installment of the Labtest Contest isn't until July, when my labs are drawn two days before I spend a week celebrating my 36th birthday. But I can't fall into the trap of looking forward to mid-summer excitement, which is four months away... so what does a...
My Pet Virus “Book Club” on Facebook
When my humorous memoir about growing up with HIV was published in 2006, I was doing a lot of self-promo for the book on MySpace. I hardly ever log into that account these days, because it's a Spam Hole. Even though Facebook slinks closer and closer to the same fate...
Chicken Soup… For the Positoid Soul?
I submitted a story for the Chicken Soup series a while back, detailing my journey with HIV and how I coped and survived pre-meds. Some of it was luck, some of it was an innate idea and the teachings of my parents that being down would only harm my immune system's...
New Issue of Poz, My Article Ryan White Article
The new issue of Poz magazine is out, and there's an incredible article on the role that homophobia plays in the spread of HIV. I contributed to the issue as well, writing about the importance of remembering Ryan White 20 years after his passing. Positively Yours,...
(b)Lab Results and Killer Books
A couple of weeks ago I went in for my every-four month labs to see what's cookin' with my pet virus. Good news: my t-cells are 511 (28%) and the viral load was less than 48 copies, which is near nothing. That's pretty much the same as they were in June,...
Read My Column in Poz, Cute YouTube Video
The best part about being sick for a week was writing. I blogged every day last week! So, really, if your reading this and wishing me well, you might have to decide whether your care for my well-being as a human trumps your love for my incredibly witty style of...
Book #2 Finished… Now What?
It's been a little over a year and a half of the most nonstop writing of my life. But Book #2, the vampire book, is finally finished as of 2 AM Wednesday morning. To mark the occasion, this was my Decker's Daily photo the next afternoon. That's straw paper...
Check out Positoid.com to learn about the word, "positoid", and read some of the first columns I wrote for Poz magazine.
My Column in New Issue of Poz
I have a new column in the latest issue of Poz Magazine, you can read it here: "Week On, Week Off". It's about the ups and one big down of my last seven years on my Structured Treatment Interruption. Hope you enjoy reading it- I am especially proud of all of the...